Here is the link (Cleveland Clinic ePathology SlideDepot ) to the digital images of the cases which will be presented at the meeting on Aug 20 (Sunday). Feel free to preview them before the meeting.
– Username: attendee2
– Password: capaconf
These slides will be available for you through this link until September 29th. Internet Explore and Firefox work well, but Chrome is not supported.
Category: archiveEvent
The 3rd CAPA Diagnostic Pathology Course, Chicago, August 19-20, 2017
Click here for detailed meeting information and details (updated on Aug 18th, 2017)
To register, please fill this Google Form (including hotel and fee information)
The registration fee is $150 for active CAPA member, $200 for non-member, and $75 for course faculty. You may use these direct links to pay the fee: $150, $200, $75. (Please use Internet Explorer if you experience any technical difficulty with Chrome or Firefox.)
Asia Pacific IAP Congress (Bali, Indonesia, April 2017)
Call for speakers for two upcoming meetings in China
Call for speakers for two upcoming meetings in China
I. Third CAPA-Beijing Pathology Symposium Beijing, 9/2/2017-9/3/2017
II. The Chinese Society of Pathology (CSP) Annual Meeting Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, 10/26/2017-10/29/2017
CAPA Business Meeting during USCAP (San Antonio, 2017)
The Healing Art of Pathology
The Healing Art of Pathology by CAPA member Dr. Marylin M. Bui and Katherine A. Galagan is the collective voice of pathologists showing the world our passion, dedication, talent and contribution to patient care, science and education. Purchasing this book is to support CAP Press and CAP Foundation. Both editors donate their royalties of the book to CAP Foundation which has a signature program “See, Test and Treat Program” which provides underprivileged women with free breast cancer and cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment. Here is a link to a recorded interview and a movie clip about the book –
Call for Speakers: Special Topic Lectures for Online Education
The CAPA Online Education Program plans to have special topic lectures on each subspecialty. Volunteer experts from every subspecialty are needed. The target audience will be junior attending faculty members and general pathologists who want to update their knowledge, as well as senior residents and fellows. The volunteers can choose your own topic(s) of interest. Speakers will be selected by the CAPA Education Committee and/or invited by the Online Education Subcommittee to facilitate this lecture series. The lectures will be given in the weekends and the presentation is usually 1-2 hours in the Saturday evenings. We will try our best to accommodate the speaker’s schedule. Experts of any pathology subspecialty can volunteer. Continue reading
2017 CAPA Annual Meeting Recap
The 15th annual CAPA meeting in San Antonio was a huge success! You can download the meeting brochure, which contains the annual report, meeting program, and information about various CAPA awards.
For the list of CAPA-Gopath awardees, click here.
For the list of CAPA-Motic awardees, click here.